Monday, May 15, 2006

Weekend Recap

Well apparently I wasn’t the only one feeling sentimental after saying goodbye on Friday morning because TheBoy called me on his way out of town Friday afternoon to tell me something trivial and “say goodbye again.” Aaww! So cute. He NEVER does that. Now I don’t feel quite so foolish. Not that I’d tell him that or anything! ;)

This weekend was a busy one! As I was telling Michele – I think I’m a changed girl! I was staying up late and getting up early and surviving cheerfully on relatively little sleep. I even found myself thinking on more than one occasion that there’s “plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead.” Me? Seriously y’all! I think it must be all this summer sunshine?

Anywho here’s the weekend recap…

1 pair of movie star sunglasses purchased
2 new denim skirt purchased (old ones size 10 – new ones size 4 – Yay me!)
6 new tank tops (I maybe got a tad bit carried away!)
1 new brown top to go with cute new skirt from birthday
1 sushi dinner with BestFriend Liz Friday night
4 times BFL said “we’re being very adventurous!”
1 night out with Carrie at F&A’s
1 argument I got into about the difference between marriage and long term relationships
1 time I was playing devil’s advocate and actually agreed with my opponent
4 randomly invented shots made up and drank
2 beers
1 mango flavored Rockstar tried (gross!)
2:45 am - time we FINALLY left the bar
1 trip to 7-11 for snacks
3:45 am - time I finally laid down to go to sleep
7:45 am - time my alarm went off in the morning for wine tasting with the girls
9:00 am - time I actually got up
1 awesome winery Michele is getting married at in October!
3 other wineries we visited with the girls on Saturday
12,538 times we laughed
12,537 times I looked around and realized we are SO. LOUD! but didn’t care
2 episodes (or was it 3?) watched of House at Cate’s
1 hour I Daisy-sat while Michele and Cate picked up Cate’s mom and Rocky from SFO
1 glass of wine drank with brie and strawberries with Cate’s mom
12 times (roughly) we were afraid Rocky was going to eat Daisy
1 Hot Pot dinner at 10:30 pm on Saturday with Michele, Cate and Cate’s mom
12:00 am – time I got to bed Saturday night/Sunday morning
6:00 am – time my alarm went off Sunday morning for breakfast with my mom
7:00 am – time I actually made it into the shower
8:30 am – time our breakfast reservations were
8:45 am – time I made it to the restaurant (which is 45 minutes from my house!)
1 mimosa drank at breakfast
1 hour spent grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s (hey it’s what my mom wanted to do!)
4 hours we spent just laughing and talking and catching up
1 BBQ we prepared for our family and some family friends (7 people total)
2 more glasses of wine drank
2 mimosas at dinner
1 drunk Mom and Step-Dad at BBQ (Too CUTE!)
3 times I had to order both my mom and the other mom out of the kitchen
1 super tired Tiffy driving home at 10:00 pm last night
11:30 pm – time I finally laid down in my sauna like apartment to sleep
12:00 am – time TheBoy made it home from the lake
12:15 am – time TheBoy drug out our fan from somewhere and I finally fell asleep!

Surprisingly I’m not that sleepy this morning! In fact, I feel great! I was thinking on my way in to work that Friday seemed like forever ago… Now THAT’S the sign of a great weekend don’t you think?


Liz said...

And I will say it again, yes we were adventrous in our sushi eating. We tried a few new pieces, I was very proud of us.

Michele said...

I am so impressed how late you have been staying up. I think you have been dethroned by Cate as Queen of falling asleep early.