Thursday, April 27, 2006

Peanut Gallery

A Thursday Funny courtesy of TheBoy…

Our lovely Prez Dubya was in Silicon Valley last week meeting with the Governator and apparently some intern or another needed some work done by TheBoy’s company. So picture two stressed out presidential aides running into TheBoy’s already very busy store and asking for their jobs to be done right now this very minute. TheBoy’s sales person comes over to where he’s working and tells him that there is a new rush job.

TheBoy: “No way. Turn around is 48 hours.”

SalesPerson: “umm… it’s for the President”

TB: (silence)

SP: “so we can have it by 5:00?”

TB: “fine”

TB: (under his breath) “What if I don’t like the President?”

Apparently TheBoy was not as quiet as he thought because the intern who was still standing at the counter piped in with:

“That’s not going to matter sir. We still need it by 5:00”



Tiffany said...

Shawn - the CEO got a letter and then the CEO sent an e-mail to the entire branch... And don't worry Ry was properly mortified that the intern heard him. He's normally not one to vocalize his political views! I didn't even know he felt one way or another about Bush until he told me that story!

Tiffany said...

Preach on friend...

And yeah I have missed the blogging!