Monday, June 27, 2005

4 Years Together (part 1)

Yep. It has been 4 whole years since TheBoy and I looked at each other over the head of a mutual friend and thought "yep, I dig him/her". 4 relatively drama free and happy years. The first truly grown-up, mature and adult relationship I have ever had. It's been good y'all. Real good.

So what do I, in my infinite wisdom and years of insider knowledge, get for TheBoy as an anniversary present after 4 years?

A power washer. So, so romantic.

But you know what? He LOVED it. LOVED it y'all.

Here's a picture of him hugging it:

And gleefully pulling it out of the box:

Reading the instructions. Okay yeah, wait, let me pause here to mention that TheBoy? He does NOT read directions. Ever. I think it might be a common trait with men but, myself being female, I don't know. Or understand. But with the power washer? There was a whole 30 minutes of reading and re-reading of instructions. AMAZEMENT! Something about having to break in a motor? Yeah. I was shocked. And a little worried. But here is photo proof that he did in fact, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS:

Power washing the cat urine* out of our mat and off of the concrete outside our front door in the Ghetto. It was the first task, specially requested by moi.

Someone's a little AR - yes he is actually power washing the cover to our BBQ. While it's still on the BBQ. Yes we ended up with wet ashes. I don't pretend to understand.

Isn't he cute? Yep. And mine. All mine.

Happy Anniversary Babe. I love you.

*The story of the cat urine will have to wait for another day. But it's horrible y'all.


Liz said...

Y'all Count: 3

Michele said...

Where is part 2??