Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Welcome to the Incredible Shrinking Appetite!

I'm not quite sure how this is happening... I don't know if it has to do with all of the boot camp / pre-triathlon training stuff I've been doing. Or maybe the fact that I am truly happy and content for the first time in ages (because y'all KNOW I am one of those "emotional eaters" right?). Anyway, the cause is unknown but the effect is FANTASTIC!

Seriously. Today I had my FAVORITE thing ever from the Greek restaurant across from my office. I usually will devour the entire plate of food - it's so friggin good! Today? Today I didn't even make it through 1/2 of my meal before I felt so full I was nauseous. Odd...

Sunday? My food intake on Sunday consisted of a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell, half a dozen deep fried artichoke hearts and 3 bites of German potato salad. That's it! All day! AND I walked around at a festival all day. AND I worked out.

And I've noticed my appetite's been getting smaller and smaller and smaller over the last few months... I wonder if there is some sort of scientific explanation for this? Is there something in particular I am doing that's causing this?

Because clearly I want to keep doing it!


Liz said...

whats your excuse for the shepard pie last night ; )

Tiffany said...

Mmm... Home cooked meal?

Anonymous said...

my appetite has chnged too since this summer. i think it's all the regular exercise i've been getting. it sppeded up my metabalism so that i'm eating every three hours but very little. i lost 8 pounds this summer without even realizing it. it's great!